Mill Creek Village Ice Cream Social Draws Record Crowd on July 16

MCV team at Community Picnic

After a morning of gray and rainy skies (and some great tennis if you were watching the men’s final match at Wimbledon), Mother Nature showed her support of Mill Creek Village (MCV), parting the clouds and letting the sun shine on the 8th Annual Ice Cream Social on Sunday, April 16, National Ice Cream Day.  More than 110 Mill Creek Towne neighbors of all ages gathered on Potters Mill Court and enjoyed each other’s company and eight different flavors of ice cream and multiple toppings to make their favorite sundaes.  There were also drumstick pops, ice cream sandwiches and popsicles.

This was the largest gathering of Mill Creek Towne neighbors ever for this annual event that was begun in 2015.  Special appreciation goes to Anna McBain, MCV Treasurer, Vice President Jennifer Black and her husband Jeff,  Jane Lewis, John Solyst, Pat Stone, Cindy Queen and President Joe Isaacs and his wife Debbie for their roles in organizing the event, serving the frozen treats, capturing the gathering on camera, and handling the registration table.  Enjoy the photos attached. A full array will appear shortly in the photo gallery of the News and Events section on our website at

In addition to many long-time residents, it was wonderful to see new residents in attendance at the Social such as the deFreyre’s, the Merino’s, the Li’s, Valerie Palmer and Bill Marcus and Joe Wagman and Susana Castillo. We welcome you all to Mill Creek Towne and hope you enjoy living here as much as we do. If I failed to mention any other new neighbors who were there, please forgive the omission and best wishes to you.

Thanks to everyone who came to the Ice Cream Social and made it such a successful event.  Next up is our annual Community Picnic scheduled for Sunday, September 10, when we will celebrate Mill Creek Village’s 10th Anniversary and raffle off gift cards for meals at various local restaurants. Until then, please mind the heat and stay hydrated!