

Mill Creek Village is a volunteer led and driven charitable community service organization. It could not pursue its mission of helping neighbors to “age in place” and promoting ‘community social connection’ in Mill Creek Towne without the active support of volunteers from the neighborhood.

Would you like to provide direct assistance to Mill Creek Village neighbors? You may volunteer to do one or more of the following: friendly visits/calls; drive neighbors to appointments; provide shopping assistance and help with small tasks that require climbing or lifting and running critical errands.

Or maybe you would like to help lead Mill Creek Village by serving on its Board of help on Committees and key functions? You might, for example, pursue election to the MCV Board of Directors (directors serve two-year terms), schedule volunteers, provide fundraising assistance, coordinate social events, recruit volunteers, help edit the e-newsletter and/or administer the website and phone line.

If you wish to volunteer, please provide MCV with your information below: