Welcome to

Mill Creek Village

Since 2013, Mill Creek Village (MCV) has been a volunteer-led, nonprofit charitable community service organization dedicated to “Neighbors Helping Neighbors.” MCV provides services to help older residents (60 years of age and older) in the neighborhood of Mill Creek Towne in Derwood, Maryland to maintain their independence and remain in their homes as they age and confront medical challenges, physical incapacity, lack of mobility and loneliness.

MCV volunteers provide transportation assistance, friendly home visits and calls, grocery shopping and social activities needed to “age in place.” MCV also coordinates several community-wide events/activities annually to foster social connection among older residents and across generations.

Mill Creek Village’s service area includes the neighborhood of Mill Creek Towne on both sides of Shady Grove Road, with nearly 800 residences. The Village includes the townhouses on Mill Run Drive and the houses on Mill Crest Drive and Mill Crest Court.

All residents in this MCV service area may:
(1) Participate in MCV community events held throughout the year;
(2) Request MCV service assistance for elderly household members;
(3) Subscribe to the MCV monthly newsletter;
(4) Serve as a MCV volunteer; and
(5) Support MCV with a financial or in-kind donation.

Request MCV service assistance for elderly household members.
Ed Ludwig Serving Up Sno-Cones at 2-19 Picnic
Serve as a MCV volunteer.
Support MCV with a financial or in-kind donation
Want to stay up to date on the latest MCV news and events? Sign up for our enewsletter.
Find information on aging issues and the efforts and challenges of villages here.
Become a Business Sponsor and help MCV carry out its mission to serve aging neighbors in need and promote a caring community.

Mill Creek Village’s service area includes the neighborhood of Mill Creek Towne on both sides of Shady Grove Road, with nearly 800 residences. The Village includes the townhouses on Mill Run Drive and the houses on Mill Crest Drive and Mill Crest Court.

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A Free Online Program

When: Every Monday, March 3 through April 7 from 6:00-8:30 PM

Register at: lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/dbdfshq?source_id=f3ba260a-df73-40ab-8f05-3cdf59990c2d&source_...

Are you caring for a person who suffers from Alzheimer's, dementia, or someone with a memory impairment, and seeking ways to manage your life while being a caregiver?

What Is This Class?
This class series is an excellent resource for caregivers. The community-based workshop is highly participatory, where mutual support and success build your confidence in your ability to manage caregiving tasks and maintain a fulfilling life.

What Can I Expect?
Building Better Caregivers topics include:

Caregiver Stress
Care Partner’s Difficult Behaviors
Getting Help
Making Decisions About Treatment, Housing, etc.
Communicating Effectively With Family, Friends, And Health Professionals
Dealing With Caregiver And Care Partner Emotions
Planning For Future Needs
Legal Issues Related To Caregiving
Action Planning and Problem Solving
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A  Free Online Program

When: Every Monday, March 3 through April 7 from 6:00-8:30 PM

Register at: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/dbdfshq?source_id=f3ba260a-df73-40ab-8f05-3cdf59990c2d&source_type=em&c=8NTr4RMkw1HmCTiAvYH1oWk82YNWxpvOxu3Tn461fUcY6DSE9qOgMw==

Are you caring for a person who suffers from Alzheimers, dementia, or someone with a memory impairment, and seeking ways to manage your life while being a caregiver?

What Is This Class?
This class series is an excellent resource for caregivers. The community-based workshop is highly participatory, where mutual support and success build your confidence in your ability to manage caregiving tasks and maintain a fulfilling life.

What Can I Expect?
Building Better Caregivers topics include:

Caregiver Stress
Care Partner’s Difficult Behaviors
Getting Help
Making Decisions About Treatment, Housing, etc.
Communicating Effectively With Family, Friends, And Health Professionals
Dealing With Caregiver And Care Partner Emotions
Planning For Future Needs
Legal Issues Related To Caregiving
Action Planning and Problem Solving


A Free Online Program

When: Wednesday, 2/12/2025 from 12:00 pm Noon to 1:00 PM

Register at: us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0tlyADigTyuuW-3gTGhOsQ#/registration

There are laws that enable individuals to end their lives with the assistance of a physician. But the rules about this controversial procedure are different around the world and the heated debates about the subject are only just beginning. Whose life is it anyway is a question that has yet to be answered. Join us for a live & interactive discussion that will explore the ethical and emotional complexities surrounding voluntary assisted dying

Chris Haws Certified Grief Counselor Executive Producer of "Laura's Choice” a powerful documentary that follows 90-year-old Laura Henkel's journey as she decides to end her life on her own terms.
... See MoreSee Less


A Free Online Program

When:  Wednesday, 2/12/2025 from 12:00 pm Noon to 1:00 PM

Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0tlyADigTyuuW-3gTGhOsQ#/registration

There are laws that enable individuals to end their lives with the assistance of a physician. But the rules about this controversial procedure are different around the world and the heated debates about the subject are only just beginning. Whose life is it anyway is a question that has yet to be answered. Join us for a live & interactive discussion that will explore the ethical and emotional complexities surrounding voluntary assisted dying 

Chris Haws Certified Grief Counselor Executive Producer of Lauras Choice” a powerful documentary that follows 90-year-old Laura Henkels journey as she decides to end her life on her own terms.
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Mill Creek Village celebrates our membership and affiliation with the following organizations: